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Area Resource Base - Gweek & Poldhu Class

Poldhu Class
Miss Townsend


Miss Packham


Mrs Cartwright

Teaching Assistant

Miss Sowerby

Teaching Assistant

Gweek Class
Miss Roseby


Miss Cowley

Teaching Assistant

Mr Batista

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Gweek and Poldhu Class!

We offer specialist provision for pupils with an EHCP plan from EYFS through to the end of KS2.

In the ARB we cover the full range of primary academic subjects, the 7 EYFS areas for learning and development, and the 5 Engagement Model areas. All learning is differentiated to meet our pupils’ individual needs and presented in ways which motivate and encourage engagement with the activities at hand, whether this is making marks in gloop or adding together the total for the weeks snack shopping and working out the change.

Communication and language is a core part of our curriculum and an integral part of our classroom practice. All staff use Makaton, and symbols are integrated throughout the classroom and school. Pupil’s needs are assessed on an individual basis and alternative and augmentative communication strategies, high and low tech, are used as appropriate.

Pupils sensory and physical needs are met through tailored programs of support and activities intertwined throughout the normal day. Pupils have access to a range of sensory items which both stimulate and calm the senses and individual and group activities are planned to develop pupils’ physical abilities and address their sensory needs. We have our own purpose-built sensory room which provides our pupils with physical and mental stimulus at a wide range of levels. The sensory room also provides excellent opportunities to develop communication and language skills, explore scientific topics such as light and sound and work on social skills.

Pupils will take part in forest school sessions every other week.  We have an onsite swimming pool which we access on a weekly basis. We are building our relationship with Falmouth Art Gallery to take part in workshops, building towards the achievement of the Arts Awards.  We also have termly outings that tie in with our learning.  These activities develop learning through holistic experiences, fostering and developing gross/fine motor skills and social and emotional growth while expanding the pupils’ knowledge of curriculum subjects, allowing them to generalise their learning outside the classroom. 

Every pupil in the ARB has a link class within the school. Throughout the school year our pupils spend time learning alongside and socialising with their peers from around the school and within their link classes. Every pupils' link class timetable is completely individual and builds around what is appropriate for them. 

We look forward to working with your children this academic year. As always if you have any questions or would like to find out more about our provision please get in touch.

Healthy School and Snack Time

Each morning in the ARB we have a dedicated snack time. The pupils can choose from a range of healthy snacks, develop their communication skills and learn about money at an appropriate level. Pupils have the opportunity to explore a wide range of snacks with the aim of developing their sensory food habits.  All pupils receive a free piece of fruit each day and if you would like your child to share some of the classes snack please send in £1 a week in a named envelope. Alternatively, you can pay the full half term’s costs in full on your child’s return to school.

School Meals

School meals need to be ordered and paid for in advance via ParentPay, the school lunch menu is available on the homepage of our website.  If you think you may be eligible for free school meals, please click the following link for more information and to access the application form : https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/education-and-learning/schools-and-colleges/school-meals/


Your child will take part in a PE session once a week. Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school and that all items of clothing are named.  

Forest School and Swimming

Your child will take part in forest school sessions every other week and swimming sessions weekly. Swimming is currently on a Monday morning, please send your child to school with a swimming kit that includes a swimming hat. Forest school is on a Thursday.  Due to spending time outside during forest school and throughout the week, please can you send your child to school with a named pair of wellington boots.

Curriculum Overview

Penryn Primary Academy
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