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Reception: Maenporth & Gyllyngvase

Maenporth class teacher : Miss Brittain
Gyllyngvase class teacher : Mrs Rowland
Miss Brittain

EYFS Phase leader

Mrs Rowland


Miss Plummer


Mrs Pellow

Teaching Assistant

Curriculum Overview

Healthy Eating

Children are given fruit and milk every day for their snack, they do not need to bring a snack from home. Every child in Reception is entitled to a healthy and nutritious free school lunch, if they prefer, they may bring a packed lunch from home. Please see below for some guidance on healthy packed lunches.

At Penryn Primary Academy we want to promote the health and well-being of the whole school community through all aspects of food and drink, physical activity and positive emotional health. In line with our healthy school policy we provide each child with a Penryn Primary Academy water bottle which is kept in school and cleaned and filled for your child.

Outdoor Learning

Our children get to explore our outside areas and participate in our Forest School on a regular basic. As our weather is very changeable, please send your child to school with a coat every day and ensure that they are wearing appropriate school shoes. Waterproofs and wellingtons are provided by the school for children to use in the outdoor learning environment

Please label EVERYTHING, as you can imagine with a lot of children in Reception things can often get muddled up, if shoes, clothing etc are clearly named they find their way back to their rightful owners much faster!!

Reading & Read Write Inc

We teach reading through a scheme called Read Write Inc which introduces children to phonemes (sounds) in a systematic approach and helps them to progress through oral blending (hearing & identifying sounds in words) through to word blending and then sentence reading. Children are given a sound book to take home detailing sounds learned and we expect parents to practise these sounds at home daily. More information can be found on the Read Write Inc website which is linked below.

On starting school your child will be given a reading book (at an appropriate level for them), Love to Read book (a high-quality picture book for you to share) and a reading record. We expect you to read daily with your child and to record in the reading record. At school your child will be taking part in daily reading activities and we aim to change reading books at least weekly. A booklet to help with reading at home can be found below.


At Penryn Primary we believe that it is vital that we work in partnership with you, your child’s first and most enduring educator, to enable your child to reach their full potential. Details of how you can support your child can be found in our Welcome Booklet on the Starting School page and in the “What to expect when” document below.

Tapestry Online Journal

All children in our Early Years setting have a personal Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. Your child’s Learning Journey builds up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us and helps us to keep track of their progress. We now use a well-established on-line tool called “Tapestry” to record these experiences. Information about how to register for this is detailed on our Starting School page.

Please click on the following links for Tapestry App support
Useful Links

Penryn Primary Academy
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