We have a GO FUND ME page to enrich the Year 6 London Trip and we need sponsors - spread the word!

Community Partnerships

Alongside the Aspire Academy Trust, Penryn Primary has many local partners to support its work:

The Penryn Partnership

We work closely with Penryn College who share our campus setting and with seven other primary schools that feed in to Penryn College: Constantine, Flushing, Kennall Vale, Mabe, Mawnan Smith, Mylor Bridge and Perran-ar-worthal.

To give a flavour of partnership work here are some recent activities:

  • Curriculum enrichment including special days, festivals and sporting events
  • Subject leader collaboration to pool expertise and plan joint ‘best practice’
  • Campus Reading Group to look at progression and opportunity from Nursery to KS4
  • Joint policy development (for example attendance)
  • Joint training (including joint inset days)
  • Shared facilities (for example our Year 6 children make full use of specialist college staff and sporting facilities for their physical education)

Community Partnership

The Academy will engage with, and benefit from, a well-established local learning community. Children will access a range of sporting and curriculum activities provided by local schools as well as seeking to offer similar activities on site. Gifted and talented children will be encouraged to join other local children taking part in enrichment days that focus on their particular area of strength. The Academy will give children the opportunity to take part in events of local significance both those that occur regularly and those that take place as a one-off celebration.

Where possible, the Academy will make use of local artists, story tellers and other crafts people in order that the children are able to extend their experiences. The Academy will seek to offer these experiences to all children in addition to opportunities for classes to visit the local area on trips.

Parent Partnership

Penryn Primary Academy recognises that parents are their children’s first educators and that strong links between home and school support children’s development. As a result, the academy will invite parents to play an active part in school life.

There will be regular events organised throughout the academic year where classes will present their learning to the wider community either as part of a show or through means of topic days and open afternoons. Supporting children in classroom activities during these special days will enable parents to better understand the types of learning that their children engage in daily. Termly parents’ evenings and annual reports will be used to communicate children’s progress and attainment.

The Academy will actively seek the opinions of parents through regular questionnaires and discussion groups. These opinions will help to shape the on-going direction that the academy takes. Staff will also ensure that the school is welcoming and open so that parents are able to talk through matters as they arise.

Parents of vulnerable children or children with Special Educational Needs will be encouraged to be fully involved in helping the academy to provide the support required to meet these children’s needs. IEPs and provision maps will be shared with parents termly and their views will be used by teachers to shape on-going targets for each individual. Where possible, the Academy will help to source support so that parents can develop the skills required to support their children successfully at home.

Friends of Penryn Primary

The Friends of Penryn Primary will provide a practical link between the Academy and its parent body. The Friends will arrange community fundraising events throughout the academic year. The Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fete will be the main focus of their work with additional smaller scale events for children and their families held regularly each term including school discos, quiz nights, etc.

Penryn Primary Academy
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