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History is a subject which allows children to discover what past societies were like and how they helped to create the world in which we live in today.

At Penryn Primary Academy we explore different periods of history and learn about significant historical figures in order to find out how they have shaped our everyday lives.

As well as learning key historical facts, we encourage our children to think and act like historians. We encourage them to ask historical questions, to interpret historical sources and to communicate their learning.

We aim to develop a strong understanding of chronology and encourage our children to make connections within and across periods of history.

Our curriculum aims to inspire our children and foster their curiosity about the past.



Our Nursery children begin to make sense of their own life-story and begin to focus on their own family history.



Our reception children build on their knowledge from Nursery and focus on how they have changed since they were a baby. They also, through stories, study some key historical figures such as Mary Anning, Stephen Hawking and Amelia Earhart.


Year 1

Our year 1 children focus on Queen Victorian and the Victorian period of history. They focus on the changes to society during her reign and why she is remembered as a significant historical figure.

Children explore a range of Victorian artefacts and make comparisons between these and items we use today.

They make further comparisons between Victorian transport and transport today with a particular focus on steam trains.

Children in year 1 also learn about Queen Elizabeth II and her historical significance.

Year 2

In year 2, our children learn about explorers from different times in history. They focus on why they are remembered and how exploration has changed over time.

Children learn about Mary Seacole and Jack Leslie. They learn their story and why this story is important to know and how it has impacted their own lives.

Children in year 2 also learn about the Great Fire of London. As well as learning about how the fire started and key facts, they discover how London changed after the Great Fire.

Year 3

Our year 3 children take part in a local history study and learn about Glasney College which is located in Penryn. They learn about what  Glasney College may have looked like in the past and why this was such an important place for Cornwall.

Year 3 also learn about what life was like during the Stone Age. To help them to learn this they focus on the historic location of Skara Brae.

Children will also learn about ancient civilizations and what they have in common. They will focus on Ancient Egypt as well as the ancient Sumer and Indus civilizations.

Year 4

Our year 4 children learn about the Romans and learn how they changed Britian.

They also find out who the Anglo-Saxons were and how they lived. To deepen their understanding our children learn about the Sutton Hoo burial site and what this taught us about the Anglo-Saxon period of history.

Year 4 also focus on the Vikings and aim to answer the question ‘Were the Vikings raiders or traders?’.

Year 5

Year 5 learn about the impact of the Greek civilisation on our society today.

They also study the Kingdom of Benin and look at what artefacts from this time has taught us about this period of history.

Our year 5 children also focus on Cornish mining. They find out what it was like to work in a Cornish mine.

Year 6

Year 6 learn about World War II and what life was like during the Blitz. During their study they look at how the Blitz effected Penryn.

Our year 6’s learn the story of Windrush and why this story is so important. They learn the significance of Windrush and how it has shaped the United Kingdom today.

The children also learn about how entertainment has changed over time.

Penryn Primary Academy
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