We have a GO FUND ME page to enrich the Year 6 London Trip and we need sponsors - spread the word!

School Facilities

Penryn Primary Academy is a co-educational school created from the amalgamation of Penryn Infant School & Nursery and Penryn Junior School.  It has the capacity for over 500 children with ages ranging from 2-11 years.  The extensive and attractive 1.65 hectare campus is bordered by Penryn College to the south with the Penryn Campus of Falmouth and Exeter University a half-mile to the north-west.

The junior site was mostly built in the late 1960’s with the infant site opening in 1987. In 1999 a new three-classroom extension was built on the junior site for the three Year 6 classes. In 2004 both sites were further extended and improved as part of a Private Finance Initiative which included new and remodelled classrooms, library and IT spaces and also a music wing. Both sites are spacious, well decorated, well-resourced and enjoy exceptional outside areas including a newly acquired woodland area.

Please see below for a summary of our great facilities:







The main Reception including information and guidance about the school and support for parents is located at the KS1 site.




Each class have a year group library which are fully stocked with a wide range of books


Swimming Pool




 We have a fantastic 7x14 metre heated swimming pool which was built by parents and sustained by the wider community


 Study Rooms


 The KS2 site has two study rooms which staff can use for meetings, curriculum planning or leadership time


Family Room

   The KS2 site has a family room for parent meetings, family learning, parent workshops, coffee mornings, etc, and can also double up as a conference room

Pupil & Parent Liaison Office


Miss Kirstie MacLachlan leads our partnership work with parents and is always available to offer support and guidance to pupils and parents




Children have the choice of four large playgrounds with netball and football markings as well as short tennis, hopscotch, chess, etc


Playing Field


The large playing field is used all year round and is bound by Cornish hedging and trees on one side and the swimming pool and two of the school playgrounds on the other


Outdoor Spaces


Around the school there are gardening areas, wildlife ponds, seating areas, trees, huts, play equipment, picnic benches, flower beds, a woodland area and much, much more


Early Years


The nursery and reception classes enjoy excellent facilities both indoor and outdoor and now have a new covered shelter




There are currently 19 well equipped classrooms, plus the Nursery and ARB, with views and access onto the school grounds


Area Resource Base


A two-classroom space including individual play area, kitchen, IT space, learning area, activity area and with an adjoining disabled toilet with shower



   A large classroom space with a kitchen area indoors and a great variety of outdoor areas and equipment



Each site has its own large hall for assembly, PE, dining, concerts, drama and special events (eg theatre visits)


Senior Leadership Offices


Each site has a large office and meeting space for use by the senior leadership teams







Penryn Primary Academy
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