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Physical Education plays a vital role in moulding physically -active, confident pupils who can thrive in a variety of roles and responsibilities. All children will be provided with a curriculum which:

  • Promote a passion for sport and physical education
  • Exposes them to a variety of sports and games
  • Allows pupils an opportunity to participate in a variety of sporting role and responsibilities
  • Allows access opportunities for pupils to represent the schools in inter school competitions
  • Gives access to healthy environment

We aim for pupils to:

  • Enjoy PE and sport whilst understanding the characteristics of sportsmanship
  • Build on resilience
  • Lead a healthy active lifestyle
  • Use vocabulary confidently throughout their PE curriculum and beyond



In Nursery, Physical Development is one of the prime area of learning in EYFS. This is through gross and fine motor skills. We have a selection of fine motor skill activities through threading, cutting and pencil control.

We enjoy physical development outdoors through balance bikes, ball skills, balancing and water activities. 



Physical Development is a key area of learning through Gross and Fine motor skills within EYFS. In Reception, children explore a variety of activities within Continuous Provision and PE lessons. This includes games, ball skills and gymnastics.


Year 1

In year 1 we explore running at different speeds and within games. We develop moving the ball with our feet and using our hands to aim and throw with control and precision. We explore jumping and skipping and play games which involve these skills. We explore balancing and creating a sequence of multiple balances and dances moves, independently and as a group. This is all done with the aim of developing teamwork.


Year 2

In year 2 we explore dodging and consolidate our jumping skills. We develop dribbling and passing and receiving a ball with our hands and feet and combine these skills to score a point in a game. We consolidate balancing and play games that involve attack vs defence and teamwork. In the Summer term we introduce swimming to our provision, encouraging children to push and glide around the pool.


Year 3

In year 3 we develop moving and changing direction at speed as well as throwing with greater accuracy as part of our Invasion Games unit. We introduce passing receiving and finding space and the difference between throwing overarm and underarm. We explore using simple tactics and running for speed. Swimming runs throughout the whole of Year 3, looking at different floating techniques and exploring both breast and back stroke.


Year 4

In year 4 we develop our throwing distance with accuracy and introduce striking and fielding into game situations. We develop our passing moving and shooting and develop stopping, retrieving and returning a ball. We develop our running at speed and explore ways in which we can improve our SAQ.


 Year 5

In year 5 introduce blocking and consolidate catching. We use a range of passing styles and develop our passing, moving and shooting. We develop tactics for batting, fielding and bowling. We evaluate our performance when running and learn how to accurately complete relay changeovers.



Year 6

In year 6 we consolidate our understand of attacking and defending tactics and the transition between attack and defence. We consolidate keeping possession and defending. We consolidate batting, fielding and bowling. We apply our understanding of running and throwing for speed and distance to competitions. Evaluating ourselves and our peers becomes an important part of our sessions, using it as a way for pupils assess all skills learned throughout their Penryn Academy provision.


Penryn Primary Academy
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