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Breakfast Club and Playzone (Wraparound Care)

Breakfast Club
Before school, our breakfast club runs from 8.00 a.m - 8.45 a.m.
Children will be provided with a healthy breakfast, with a selection of cereals, toast and water/milk on offer. Children must arrive by 8.10am at the latest if they wish to have breakfast. We may not be able to provide food for any child arriving after 8.10am.
Bookings are to be made on ParentPay by Thursday 3pm the week before you require the session. From the 5th September 2024, breakfast club will cost £3.50 per session.  
Our mission is to create a happy secure and stimulating environment for after school care, allowing flexibility to parents in this provision. 

Playzone is part of our extended service, offering families additional child care facilities after school hours, from 3.15 pm until 5.15 pm,  Monday to Friday, term time only.

We have a wide selection of toys, games and activities for the children to choose from for free play, as well as organised activities to keep them entertained.



Should you wish to take advantage of this fantastic wrap around care service, please contact us in the following ways:

Bookings for wraparound care need to be made through parent pay by Thursday 3pm the week before you require the session.

For booking on the day, this can be done by telephone : 01326 373290




          Cost per child     

3.15-4.15 pm


3.15 - 5.15 pm 





Please ensure you are on time to collect your child/children.  There will also be a surcharge of £5 levied for every 5 minutes after 5.15.pm that a child is not collected.

Penryn Primary Academy
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