We have a GO FUND ME page to enrich the Year 6 London Trip and we need sponsors - spread the word!

Young Carers

Mrs Fox

SLT Young Carers Champion/Lead

Mrs Mason

Young Carers Champion/Lead

We have a weekly Young Carers Group at Penryn Primary Academy which is facilitated by the Pastoral Lead, Mrs Mason. The Young Carers Group enables our pupils who have caring responsibilities to get together to socialise, have a break and importantly have some fun!

A caring role can include having siblings with additional needs ,family members with mental health issues or a family member suffering with ill health. Our Young Carers are encouraged to take ownership of the time and space given to them, to share how they feel and to gain understanding and support. It is valuable to know they are not alone.

Kernow Young Carers Service is an Action for Children service that is committed to working with children and supporting young carers.  They can offer fun activities, days out, one to one help, residential breaks away, the opportunity to meet new people, support for the whole family and access to grants.

For more information, please visit the Kernow Young Carers Service website, or speak with our Young Carers Lead, Mrs Mason.

Young Carer Award 2021
We are very proud to have received the Bronze Young Carer Award for the continued support and opportunities we give our young carers. Please see the article below for more information:

Penryn Primary Academy
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