We have a GO FUND ME page to enrich the Year 6 London Trip and we need sponsors - spread the word!

Year 2 : Godolphin & St Michael's

Godolphin class teacher: Miss Coon

St Michael's class teachers: Mrs Wheeler (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) & Mrs Chan (Thursday & Friday)

Mrs Wheeler


Mrs Chan


Miss Coon


Welcome to our class page, we hope you enjoy your time with us in Year 2! We have a fun filled term planned and look forward to working with you as we explore our topics. We feel it is very important to work with our families to ensure your children are settled and happy in school, ready for a day of learning.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with us at drop off or collection.  Alternatively, please call the school office on 01326 373290 or email hello@penrynprimary.org to book a phone call or meeting with us. 

We look forward to developing a love of reading with your child. Reading is the key to unlocking educational and lifetime opportunities. We really need your support with this and ask for you to read with your child at least five times a week and log this in their reading records. It is important that your child’s book bag is in to school every day and we ask you to check book bags regularly as we often send home letters and notes in them. 

Healthy School

At Penryn Primary Academy we want to promote the health and well-being of the whole school community through all aspects of food and drink, physical activity and positive emotional health.  In line with our healthy school policy we provide each child with a Penryn Primary Academy water bottle which is kept in school and cleaned and filled daily for your child. Children will need a separate drink with their packed lunch. A healthy morning snack of fruit or vegetables is provided to every child daily.

PE, Swimming and Forest School

Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school everyday.  Your child will have the opportunity to take part in swimming lessons and forest school sessions during the school term, please take the time to familiarise yourself with the timetable on the website homepage.

Please can we ask you to clearly label your child’s belongings to ensure everything makes its way back to the correct child.


In Year 2, children will be sent home with weekly spellings which link to their phonics learning from the week. After completing the RWI scheme children will be set weekly spellings to practise on Spelling Shed. You will be able to find their personal login at the front of their reading records. We also ask that where possible you look at the common exception words for Year 2, these can be found in the link below. 

These will also be available to practise on the Spelling Shed website.

In order to improve your child’s fluency in maths they will sometimes be sent home with work focusing on number bonds and times tables to complete at home. They will have access to Numbots all year which they can use at any point.

Useful Links
Curriculum Overview 

Penryn Primary Academy
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