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At Penryn Primary Academy RE will inspire, engage, and challenge pupils. Through RE teaching, we will develop children’s knowledge and understanding of major faiths, as well as gain the skills they need to handle awe-inspiring questions raised by religion and belief. Importantly, we will support children to develop  their  own  spiritual  knowledge, whilst reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.

We are not a faith school, but we value our children's moral and spiritual development. Above all, we aim to develop our children as inquisitive, respectful, tolerant and questioning citizens of the world.


  •          To question and understand different religions and beliefs.
  •          To understand the importance of beliefs.
  •          To make connections between own lived experiences and the wider world.
  •          To create respectful and tolerant world citizens who are able to combat prejudice and live well with others.



RE across the school

Every pupils has a legal entitlement to RE and at Penryn, RE teaching is based on the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus 2020. RE is a necessary part of a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’ and must be provided for all registered pupils in state-funded schools in England. As much as possible, we use a hands-on approach to inspire our learners.



RE in Nursery

RE in the Early Years starts with our 2 years olds in the Nursery. Here the children develop their personal, social and emotional understanding. They learn about themselves, their families and differences between themselves and their peers. Providing pupils with a secure knowledge in PSED will support their onward RE journey throughout the school.  Pupils will have opportunities to find out about the world around them through stories, snack time and curriculum enhancements.

RE in Reception

Once pupils start Reception, they begin to focus their RE learning on Christianity. They explore fundamental Christian beliefs through key stories, such as Christmas and Easter, facilitated through the core area ‘Understanding of the world.’  Curriculum enhancement opportunities, such as exploring Diwali and St Piran’s Day, allows pupils to make connection to between celebrations closer to home and in the wider world. In Reception our hands-on approach to RE learning  can be seen through photographs and art work.

RE in Year 1

In year 1, our pupils have the opportunity to build upon the knowledge and skills they acquired in the Early Years. Beginning with Christianity, they are able to extend prior learning and solidify key vocabulary. Pupil’s in year 1 have the opportunity to connect their RE learning in Christianity with another faith, Judaism. Here they will be able to make connection and understand wider religious concepts. Throughout the wider curriculum, all pupils’ are encouraged to think about themselves, why they are special and who is special to them, which supports their RE development. Learning will continue to be explored in an exciting and engaging way, with real life objects and discussion.

RE in Year 2

RE in year 2 begins by introducing a new faith – Islam. The introduction of another world faith allows pupils to see a wider range a beliefs and why they are important to different people. Exploring real-life objects, alongside drama and discussion will allow new learning to be exciting and relevant for our pupils. Along-side Islam, they will continue to develop and build upon prior learning in Christianity, as well continuing to make connections between the wider word and their own lives.

RE in Year 3

In year 3, pupils’ are given the opportunity to apply their RE learning to the wider context of the world. They will explore how both religious and non-religious people can help to make the world a better place, demonstrating how values learnt in RE transcend individual faiths. They will be able to deepen their understanding of all three faiths taught so far by further exploring stories from the Bible and learning about festivals  in Islam and Judaism.


RE in Year 4

We begin year 4 by further extending our pupils’ understanding of the world and introduce our last taught faith – Hinduism. They bring their new learning into a present day context and explore what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today. They will continue their learning in Christianity by understanding new vocabulary, such as Pentecost, Good Friday and Trinity. In Year 4, pupils will make connections between faiths and their own lives by exploring how and why people mark significant events.

RE in Year 5

RE in year 5 begins by making connections to previous learning. Much like in year 4, we will bring a world faith into our present day and explore what it means to be a Muslim in modern Britain. They will be encouraged to ask and explore the answers to big questions, such as ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’ and ‘What would Jesus do?’ Discussions of big questions like these in RE supports our whole school Oracy work.  

RE in Year 6

In year 6, we allow our pupils to reflect on their own beliefs and those of others. They focus on questions such as ‘Why do some people believe in God and some people not?’ and ‘How does faith help people when life gets hard?’ They will use their learnt Oracy skills to take part in discussions and articulate how people of different faiths and non-faith put their beliefs into action They will further explore both Christianity and Hinduism and make connections between faith and science.

Local connections

We are very lucky to have forged some great connections with our local community which gives the children practical experiences. They are able to talk to people of faith, visit local places of worship, and learn about different faiths first hand.

Penryn Primary Academy
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