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Special Educational Needs

Penryn Primary Academy is a vibrant, happy and forward thinking primary school which aims to develop each individual pupil in a caring and inclusive environment, with their wellbeing and success at the forefront.  

Penryn provides an inclusive learning environment for all children through the delivery of a broad and balanced, innovative and engaging curriculum, together with a culture of safeguarding and support for those most vulnerable. Our dedicated, highly skilled and talented team of staff aim to offer our children opportunities and experiences that enable them to become Successful Learners, Confident Individuals and Responsible Citizens. 

We endeavour to remove barriers to learning and strive to ensure that all pupils with SEND make effective and sustained progress from their starting points. We welcome diversity and aim to make everyone feel valued. We act proactively to eliminate discrimination, to promote equality and support our local community in achieving the best outcomes for our children. 

We have highly trained teachers and teaching assistants who can help and support children who are experiencing any difficulties and Mrs Fox co-ordinates this work across the whole school, including in our ARB (Area Resource Base) and nursery. 


We work with a range of external agencies to provide the best support for all our children which include:

  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Cognition and Learning Service
  • Educational Psychology
  • Early Years Inclusion Service
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Physical and Medical Needs Advisory Service
  • School Nursing Team
  • Social care
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder in Schools Team

Special educational needs can mean that a child or young person has:

  • Communication and interaction needs - difficulty in expressing themselves, understanding what others are saying or difficulties socially interacting with others
  • Cognition and learning needs – difficulties in learning or retaining basic skills or a specific difficulty with reading, writing, mathematics or understanding information
  • Social, emotional and mental health needs – difficulties making friends or relating to adults. May be withdrawn, isolated or find regulating their behaviours challenging
  • Sensory and/or physical needs –sensory impairments or difficulties such as those affecting sight or hearing, or physical difficulties which impact on their learning Individual children or young people may have needs that cut across some or all these areas and their needs may change over time.


 A child or young person may have needs in more than one area of need.

Our school has a maintained Nursery which take pupils from aged 2. Our Early Years lead arranges meetings for all new entrants to the setting so that the school is aware of the needs of the children entering Nursery and our school. Additionally class teachers and /or SENDCO attend Early Support TAC/Multi Agency meetings to ensure smooth transitions between phases for children with SEND. 

The Year 6 team, together with the DSL and SENDCo, meet with secondary schools regarding transitions for children with SEND to ensure this is as smooth as possible.


How we support pupils with Individual or Special Needs

It might be that you have concerns about your child’s progress or worry that they appear to be struggling more than they have in the past. In the first instance you should communicate your concerns to your child’s class teacher.

If a class teacher feels that a pupil requires support or input that is more than what is provided within the classroom then this will be discussed with parents. Actions may be agreed as part of that discussion and open communication between class teacher and parents, will allow this to be reviewed. If, at this stage, there is a clear, identified need that has not been addressed through the actions agreed, the pupil may be put on the Record of Need and outside agency involvement discussed.

Mrs Fox, as SENDCo, will also become part of the process at this point. We will support parents and pupils through this process, explaining each step as it happens, and providing resources and support materials, if requested.

Individual Provision Maps (IPMs)

An IPM is a supporting document that will contain between three to five targets that are designed to help pupils make progress. They might relate to literacy or numeracy, to behaviour or to a physical or social need. All targets are set with the intention of helping a pupil to move on to the next stage and removing barriers to their learning. The IPM will also include all of the provision that is offered to the pupil which is in addition to the whole class offer.

As SENDCo, Mrs Fox works alongside class teachers, pupils and parents to review IPMs on a termly basis for all pupils on the record of need.


How you can help to support your child

At Penryn Primary academy, we fully believe that working collaboratively with families is the key to a pupil’s success.  We always welcome updates on how your child is progressing, however as school life is very busy, so we do ask that you make an appointment to see your child's teacher via the office if a longer discussion is required.

If you need to speak with someone urgently, please contact Callie Fox via hello@penrynprimary.org. Alternatively, you can telephone us on 01326 373290.

Penryn Primary Academy
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